Baiju Kha

Wayward Mender from the Steppes


Seeking: Long term rp connections, short term adventures, friendship, conflict, etc

  • ㅤBecks | he/him or they/them | Atlantic Timezoneㅤ

Hey, I'm Becks and I am looking to make more IC connections and OOC pals! I'm an internet old who has been rping for many years. I have a lot of feelings about fictional characters and I'd like to have feelings about your characters too!While this character is kind and good natured, I am a player that likes to explore darker or mature themes. That being said, I believe firmly in communication between players, especially when engaging with difficult or dark subjects. Discussing boundaries and limits is very important, as well as trusting each other enough to speak up if either party is uncomfortable.

  • ㅤMy other charactersㅤ

  • A few things!

  • I am down for my character being injured and with antagonistic or unpleasant IC interactions - but please check in with me before doing anything that will result in a permanent/semi-permanent injury (anything that will incapacitate my character for an extended period).

  • Lore wise I am flexible so long as it is based within the framework of the worldbuilding. Some things might not be to my tastes or interests, but I'll never judge other players for having a good time. <3

  • This character is not available for romantic arcs

  • I believe there should be a bar of separation between IC and OOC. Please do not conflate the two - I am a whole adult with a job and bills to pay, I have no time or energy for interpersonal drama related to roleplaying. However, if you are ever left feeling upset or uncomfortable after or during an interaction, please reach out and we can discuss it without judgement.

  • Please only approach me for rp if you are 18+ and your character is 18+. I am not comfortable interacting with minors online (fictional or otherwise).

  • You can reach me in game as Baiju Kha on Balmung OR via twitter @OhNo_Becks

The Basics

  • ㅤnameㅤ Baiju Kha

  • ㅤageㅤ Early 20s

  • ㅤraceㅤ Hyur (Doman, raised among Xaela)

  • ㅤGenderㅤ Cis Male

  • ㅤsexualityㅤ Homosexual

  • ㅤRelationship Statusㅤ in a relationship

  • ㅤLanguagesㅤ Auri (Xaelish dialect), Doman, Hingan, Eorzean Common (though not entirely proficient), Othardian Sign Language

  • ㅤReligionㅤ The Dusk Mother

  • ㅤResidenceㅤ A little shack he rents outside of Limsa Lominsa

  • ㅤProfessionㅤ Healer, Herbalist, Midwife, Flower Shop Employee (The Pretty Petal in the Lavender Beds)

  • ㅤFamilyㅤ Quatunn & Esenaysh Kha

  • ㅤCharacter inspoㅤㅤStudio Ghibli, BOTW Link, Yukito Tsukishiro


Hair: Black, coarse and thick, cut haphazardly
Eyes: Dark blue
Height: 5' 4"
Build: A somewhat slight build but strong enough to draw a bow. The body of someone who hikes uneven trails and climbs mountains and trees when gathering ingredients for his medicines.
Distinguishing Features: A thin scar that cuts through his upper lip where he caught a broken bowstring in his teens and a prominent scar drawn across his throat -- thick and somewhat jagged. It isn’t pleasant to look at so he often keeps it covered.
Additional DetailsBaiju's vocal cords are damaged, which makes speaking physically taxing or painful if done at length. His voice is quiet, often difficult to hear in a crowded room or on a busy street, words spoken with a halting cadence and a permanent rasp.He prefers to communicate with signing, body language, gesture, and touch; however, he often pushes himself to discomfort in order to accommodate others.The signing he uses is the Othard dialect.His spoken Eorzean is near proficient (though there are still gaps, particularly with colloquialisms) whereas his ability to read or write the language is extremely limited.


  • ㅤPositive Traits:ㅤ Optimistic, gentle, open minded, confident, inquisitive, earnest, empathetic, hard working, forgiving, believes the best of people

  • ㅤNegative Traits:ㅤ Superstitious, distractible, stubborn, uncritical, far too soft hearted, gullible, allergic to sharing his troubles, always puts himself last to his own detriment

  • ㅤLikes:ㅤ Nature, animals, children, listening to people talk about their passions, learning new things, philosophical and spiritual discussions, new experiences, airships, the ocean, gardening

  • ㅤDislikes:ㅤ Cruelty, closed in spaces, too much noise, being treated as though he is a child or 'simple', being a burden to others

  • ㅤFears:ㅤ Hurting people unintentionally


The Past: His Xaela mother found him when he was an infant in the tall brush on the edges of Doman lands. While she had intended to leave him at the nearest settlement, Quatunn quickly grew attached to the “soft skinned mewling lump of dough”, deciding to keep him and raise him alongside her own son. This choice was met with mixed feelings amongst the Kha tribe, though few were willing to say much to her face lest they catch an arrow for their trouble.From an early age Baiju showed an affinity for conjuring magics, enough so that he was invited to apprentice under the tribe's shaman Temur. Unfortunately his training was cut short when he was gravely injured in an animal attack shortly before his 11th cycle. His throat had been torn badly enough that his very survival was treated as a blessing from the The Dusk Mother, though it was not without lingering effects. The damage done to his vocal cords was extensive and beyond even the shaman's abilities to heal fully.After his recovery Baiju was no longer considered a suitable successor for Temur - as his difficulty speaking at length or at volume meant he would be unable to perform all the required ceremonial duties of the role. Even still, he dedicated himself to the study of the medicinal knowledge and practices of the Steppes, becoming a formidable mender in his own right.The Present: Baiju has left the Kha and the Steppes - spending time in the Doman provinces before making his way to Eorzea. The young healer is unlikely to say why he is away from home, but he has been learning many new things and meeting friends -- slowly becoming familiar with Eorzea's peoples and cultures.

The Steppes

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a member of the Kha tribe?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a character who spent time in reunion?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a xaela accepting of a Hyur claiming that name?

Baiju lived his entire life up until relatively recently on the Azim Steppes. Members of the Kha tribe or those who had frequent dealings with them might know or have noticed the Hyur that once lived amongst them. He also often ventured into Reunion with his brother to trade, so he might be a familiar face.(If your character is Kha and you'd like them to have a prior connection, positive or negative, that would be more than welcome!)

Wandering Healer

  • ㅤDo youㅤ suffer from an illness that needs tending?

  • ㅤDid youㅤ need healing on the road/after a battle?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ currently in need of a midwife?

Baiju is almost always carrying a satchel that contains his mender's kit and a plethora of (stinging) salves and (bad tasting) medicines, offering his healing services whenever he meets those in need (for no charge, much to the chagrin of those who know him). From soldiers and unlucky farmers to pirates and criminals, he does not see his patients for their backgrounds, only that they are people who are suffering.While it is unlikely he will use aether to heal, he very adept in more mundane practices. He is known to brew some excellent medicinal teas!

Inquisitive Foreigner

  • ㅤAre youㅤ a resident of La Noscea?

  • ㅤDid youㅤ come to buy flowers at the Pretty Petal?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ having a bad day?

Curious about that which is unfamiliar to him - professions, cultural or religious practices, different forms of healing magic, etc - Baiju is keen to learn from whoever will take time from their day to speak with him, appreciative of all the knowledge he has gleaned from tolerant strangers.Additionally, he will not hesitate to approach those who look troubled and offer to lend a sympathetic ear.

Aetheric Peculiarity

  • ㅤAre youㅤ particularly attuned to sensing aether?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ interested in aetheric anomalies?

  • ㅤAre youㅤ knowledgeable of magicks and the body?

Typically the hyur wears a stone hair piece - shaped as flowers, glowing faintly - that creates a block which stops most aether flowing in or out (beyond the minute energy it takes to simply live) in a way that might be notable to someone particularly attuned to that sort of thing.Should he not be wearing that hair piece, any character with a strong aetheric sense may notice there is something muddled, stagnant and unpleasant about Baiju's energy.It's certainly one way to start a conversation...

Family is more than blood

Quatunn Kha

Adoptive Mother

Quatunn is a skilled craftswoman and hunter who's hobbies include weapons, drinking, and fighting. Having never bonded to a partner and an orphan in her own right, she has very little patience for those she does not consider kin.As a parent she often acts with the best of intentions but finds herself better suited for the tangible aspects of child rearing (providing, training, sheltering, hugging) rather than answering tough questions and responding to emotional turmoil.She excels at problems where the solution is "...shoot it a few times and see what happens..." which is applicable far more often than one might think.

Esenaysh Kha

Adoptive Brother

Es is a hunter like his mother and a talented warrior who is well liked among their tribe. He's a big guy who is more muscle than good sense - brash, loud, and a bit obtuse - but above all else he is well meaning and has a big heart.He has adored his little brother since the moment his mother brought Baiju back from one of her hunts, even when their very different interests and personalities sometimes makes it difficult to understand each other. Whether it came to hunting, training, or socializing, Es made a point to include his sibling in whatever activities he undertook. He can be protective to the point of overbearing - though he has gotten better about it since their youth. Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass.

Temur Kha


Serving as the shaman to the Kha, Temur recognized Baiju's talents when he was just a little sprout. He took the hyur on as one of his apprentices despite protests from the more conservative amongst the tribe, passing down the wisdom of the shaman before him as well as teaching the boy patience, diligence, and the importance of empathy.Even after Baiju's injury Temurr continued to mentor him in medicinal healing, relying in turn on the boy's assistance as a mender and his talent for herbalism. While they were exceptionally close, the shaman remained evasive regarding why he put limitations on what his student could and could not do as the hyur came of age - such as disallowing his participation in the naadam.